5 Ways to Reduce Energy Bills in Florida over the Summer

5 Ways to Reduce Energy Bills in Florida over the Summer

Summer in Florida is always fun. The only problem most residents have is keeping the energy bill down. There are so many wonderful activities you can enjoy in the Sunshine State during summer, but keeping your home cool can cause a huge strain on your pocket.

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Regardless of where you live in Florida, it is possible to reduce your energy bill, even as the summer heat soars. Here are five effective ways to do that:

Set Your Thermostat to a Slightly Higher Temperature

  • You will be tempted to crank up your AC whenever you are home to feel more comfortable. A little upward adjustment of your thermostat will not cause any harm. Do you know that adjusting the thermostat from 73 degrees to 76 degrees can save you up to 15% on energy bills? You can even cool your home at 78 degrees and increase it to 83 or higher when you are away.

Unplug Electronics You Are Not Using

  • Electronics drain power even when they are switched off. The only way to ensure that an unused electronic is not consuming energy and running up your bills is to unplug it completely.

Hang Laundry Outside

  • The dryer is an energy vampire, so cutting it out can help a lot. Florida has adequate sunshine during summer, and this can help you dry your laundry. Air drying is fast, reliable, and very helpful in the Sunshine State.

Use Your Ceiling Fans

  • If you have ceiling fans, using them during the summer can help to cut down your energy consumption. They may not significantly reduce the indoor temperature, but the breeze created by ceiling fans will make you feel much more comfortable while using your AC less.

Maintain Your HVAC System

  • Another important secret to cutting down your energy bills is maintaining your HVAC system properly. Schedule maintenance appointments with the right technicians to keep your system working efficiently for years.

Do you really want to save money this summer? You can achieve a lot through the five ways discussed above. You can get more help when you schedule an appointment with the right experts. Call the experts at Waychoff’s Air Conditioning today for your HVAC needs. We guarantee you quality, reliable, and prompt services.

