How Long Does It Take To Heat My House?

How Long Does It Take To Heat My House?

Heating or cooling bills swallow a large chunk of the utility expense in most households. Thus, it is only normal to feel the need to optimize the efficiency of your heating and cooling appliances to reduce energy bills. If your house is taking longer than usual to heat or cool, you might need to have your heat pump or AC serviced. However, how long should it take to heat your house?

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It Depends On Many Variables

Numerous factors determine how fast it takes to heat your house. These factors border on either the design of your house, the environment, or the efficiency of your furnace. On average, your heat pump should be able to achieve at least a degree rise in temperature every 10 minutes. You can consider anything less than this a red flag.

Design of Your House

Houses that come with single-pane windows, insulation in the walls, and other features that can help retain heat would heat up much faster. If your house does not have these features, your furnace would have to do extra work to compensate for the absence.

The efficiency of Your Heat Pump

The more efficient your heat pump is, the faster it can heat your house. The tips below can help you improve the efficiency of your heating system:

  • Schedule regular maintenance checks
  • Check and change your filter at least once a month
  • Review your thermostat settings or better still, buy a programmable thermostat
  • Block/fix all duct or air leaks

There you have it! Above are some ways to determine how long it will take to heat your house. If you feel your heat pump is taking too long to heat your home, it’s high time you considered scheduling heat pump repair in Jacksonville with the experts at Waychoff’s Air Conditioning. You can trust our technicians to help you fix all kinds of problems in your home’s heating or cooling system.

